5 Gallons 60 Lbs of pure raw clover honey.
Clover honey is what most people think of as being typical honey flavor and color. It is widely used "on the table." Clover is the most common nectar producing plant. Dutch White, Alsike, White Sweet and Yellow Sweet clover plants are the most important for honey production. Depending on location and source, Clover honey varies in color from water white to amber and has a mild, delicate flavor. Free shipping for pallet size orders of 24 buckets.
Wholesale Clover Honey 5 Gallons- 60 Lbs
We normally set all our shipping rates as a easy flat rate and adjust the product price accordingly. However, major shipping carriers increased their prices by 130% on 1 Jan 2020, thus causing an increase in our product price to compensate for the sharp increase. This applies to items 50 lbs or more.